6 Hibiscus'ian. The batch of 2009.
together we work as one (:

I know you all want updates. :)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hello Hibiscuses !
how's school life going on in all of your new secondary school? (:
fine? (:
alright, we're trying to organise a class-outing, will inform all of your soon. (:
anybody chosen for class-chairman/class vice-chairman @ your school?
well, I'm chosen as a Class-Chairperson in my secondary school.
PS: I'm not being action action arh! I'm just sharing the good news with all of you.
alright, i'll stop here.
byebye. (:

New update!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cheries is here again! Well .. please take note that the timing to meet on 12th of Feb (friday) has been changed to 1.30pm. So hmm .. yeah, 1.30pm @ gate two hor!!

I'm here to revive our classblog!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hello all!
I'm basically here to revive this dead class blog of 6 Hibiscus and post a short notice. ^^ We can go in to WRPS to visit our teachers on 12th of Feb, which is on next Friday. So I think I should organise a gathering for all 6 Hibiscus '09 peeps as we havent met each other for ages alrd, right?!?! (Below please).

Venue: Outside WRPS' gate two.
Time: 1.30pm
For: Visit our pri schl's teachers! :B

Kindly help me to pass this message to all 6 Hibiscus '09 peeps if you see this notice! And, inform me weather you can make it or not @ 97221453, thanks all! Okay, I'm done already, goodbye! ^^ Cheries signing off. :]

We're still standing in one.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hello 6Hibiscus! :D
well, how're you all in your new school?
I'm fine! :D hehe, alright.
those of you who have my numbers. Do sms/call me if you want to meetup @ WRPS. :)
okok? :D
I've lost some of you all's numbers, due to my phone is under-going service.
& I lost all your contacts. Do sms me to inform your number (:
or Facebook! :D ok, hope to see you all soon.
Byebye. :)


Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy new year eve, my dear classmates!
Year 2009 is coming to an end and year 2010 is approaching in like .. 1 hour plus! We've been each others' classmates for two years already, yeah? Two years passed just like that, with many memorable moments, quarrels, arguement and etc. Yes, dont forget 6Hibiscus, our teachers and us when you've your new friends and etc yeah! Take care all, :D
- Cheries(;

Hello, welcome to our classblog; http://funtimes-6hibiscus.bs.com We're all 12 years old hibiscus-ians here from Woodlands Ring Primary School,the batch of 2009. :) & no worries, we're very earth-friendly:D

1) Cheries.
2) Christal.
3) Husnur.
4) Aisyah (Nur).
5) Atikah (Nur).
6) Harlia.
7) Mariana.
8) Shuhadah.
9) Syafiqah.
10) Syazeerah.
11) Aisyah (Nurul).
12) Muyassarah.
13) Hemlyyana.
14) Raquel.
15) Seri.
16) Amirah.
17) Atiqah (Siti).
18) Humairak.
19) Norhalizah.
20) Michelle (Tan).
21) Michelle (Wong).
22) Aztelee.
23) Diky.
24) Evan.
25) Ibrahim.
26) Juzaili.
27) Kendrick.
28) WenHong.
29) Jiawei.
30) Hazwan.
31) Syawal.
32) Afiq.
33) Asyraf.
34) Luqman.
35) Royhazery.
36) Nico.
37) Hidayat.
38) Shaffiq.
39) JunYu.
40) YewHwee.
41) Gordon.