6 Hibiscus'ian. The batch of 2009.
together we work as one (:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

HI ! :D
Let you all guess who am I.
Haha, alright, i'm Raquel (:
I said i want to post , so , here am I to unbreak my promise (:
Since quite a number of classmates knew this classblog alr,
so let it be,(:
hope Miss Tan would inform the class real soon alright.
Hope So* (:
Here to give some updates to the Classblog incase its too boring for our classmates to read on. :)
alright, i didn't break my promise,
WRPS , Primary 6 levels , few classes are already staggered.
6Ixora. 6Tulip. 6Violet. 6Rose.(If i'm not wrong.)
Now everybody is having lesser contact incase if anything happens.
almost the whole Primary 6 level classes were staggered before.
Hope the pupils who were down with Fever , get well soon ! (:
i have to go ,
byebye (:

Signed Off ; RAQUEL ! Number 14 :D

Yo! Number (2) here :D Guess who I am ....
An update for our class bloggy :D
What have we learnt today ???
Maths , Science , English , TOGETHER .
Do REMEMBER what you have learnt , LOL , WHEN IS MS TAN ,
Going to inform the class about our blog ><
Grrrr , So angryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy .
Signing off : CHRISTAL :D

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hello:D .
Well, we've informed miss tan about this classblog already. And, mostly all of our classmates knew about it already, just that some of them still don't know the blogger email and password for our classblog here. I think miss tan will inform them tomorrow, she said. By the way, i've changed the background of the blogskin already since many people are complaining that it's ugly. Here's just a slight update. Goodbye.

Signing off; Cheries♥

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Im so proud to be a hibiscus-ians.
haha ! cherries , thanks for creating it.
im sorry because i said something
about the blogskin.
i hope you forgive me.
to all 6 hibiscus , do well for your exams !
signed off ,
Atiqah (Siti) =]

don say i never post
signing off yew hwee

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hey there. :)
Well, i've decided to post some photos to entertain all of you. If not, it would be dead boring just staring and reading all words. And tada, the photos are shown above. Haha, all right, peeps, remember to revise for the upcoming exams that are approaching soon Goodluck to all:D. Hmm, i'll try to update some other times, i'm going out with raquel and another friend soon. Sayonara. :)
Signing off; Cheries♥

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hi. :D alright,Im Asyraf Here :D.FOURTH one To Post on Bloggy.TY ALL For Telling Me About This thingy.Ty Cheries. Signing Off;Asyraf

YO!! Third one to post on Class bloggy :P
TY , All for making the CLASS BLOG .
:D , TY , Raquel for telling me about it , when Im , MIA-ing , hehehehe :D
LOL , so many TY's , another TY for all :D
Signed off : CHRISTAL :P

HI ! :D Alright, I'm Raquel here :D
kay, I've found out the pw from Cheries & i've decided to post :)
hah, kay, Dear Classmates, Password, Mail, & Classblog will be informed on Monday :) kay,
nothing to post le,
Sigining Off , Raquel ♥

Hi there. :)
Oh well, there's some problem with the blogger password last night. But i've fixed it already, so no worries. Er, i didn't manage to tell the rest of our classmates who don't know about this classblog thingy here today. Blame it on the blogger, there's some problem, which i've mentioned earlier on. So .. i decided that i fixed the problem first then tell them on monday. All right, and that's all. Goodbye.

Signing off; Cheries♥

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Peekaboo; hi there. :)
Oh yippy, i'm the first hibiscus-ian to post here. All right, this is a newly created classblog by 6Hibiscus. Well, we don't entertain spams or floods in our tagboard yeah. And the linkages is under construction currently and i'll have it fix real soon. Note that i'll be informing and handing the blogger email and password to the whole 6hibiscus-ians tomorrow. I'll also be linking all those hibiscus-ians who own a blog. Lastly, please sign off with your name if you post, so everyone know your identify. Thankyou, goodbye:D
Signing off; Cheries♥

Hello, welcome to our classblog; http://funtimes-6hibiscus.bs.com We're all 12 years old hibiscus-ians here from Woodlands Ring Primary School,the batch of 2009. :) & no worries, we're very earth-friendly:D

1) Cheries.
2) Christal.
3) Husnur.
4) Aisyah (Nur).
5) Atikah (Nur).
6) Harlia.
7) Mariana.
8) Shuhadah.
9) Syafiqah.
10) Syazeerah.
11) Aisyah (Nurul).
12) Muyassarah.
13) Hemlyyana.
14) Raquel.
15) Seri.
16) Amirah.
17) Atiqah (Siti).
18) Humairak.
19) Norhalizah.
20) Michelle (Tan).
21) Michelle (Wong).
22) Aztelee.
23) Diky.
24) Evan.
25) Ibrahim.
26) Juzaili.
27) Kendrick.
28) WenHong.
29) Jiawei.
30) Hazwan.
31) Syawal.
32) Afiq.
33) Asyraf.
34) Luqman.
35) Royhazery.
36) Nico.
37) Hidayat.
38) Shaffiq.
39) JunYu.
40) YewHwee.
41) Gordon.