6 Hibiscus'ian. The batch of 2009.
together we work as one (:

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hellowello ;]. Well, in case you don't know, days to our PSLE written examination is very less already. Put in extra effort and time to revise everyday. If 3 hours is not enough, study for 5 hours or more. I'm sure that we can achieve good results if we go on this way. And miss tan has mentioned this before, don't arrange any outings to bugis or what. Play and relax only after PSLE's over. Suffer now and relax later after PSLE's over. Yeah, this is just a short update. ;)
Signing off; Cheries.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Well hi, i decided to give this bloggie here an update upon seeing Atiqah's tag. All right, i suppose that all of you know that it's Saturday today, right? So what if it's Saturday today? Well, schools are going to start on Monday, which is just one or two days away. Please give your fullest attention in class (opps, i think i'm referring to myself. :x). I'm sure that you guys don't want us to get a lecture from teachers just because of one or two people right. & Remember to wear your tie on Monday! And, those who owns a blog, please link yourself up. Thank you very much. :)
- Signing off; Cheries.

Hi. :D
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Heyhey !
Today start studying isn't too late.
tomorrow start, Its too late already!
So, peoples, start TODAY!
&Yes! I believe, we 6hibiscus can pass with flying colours!
Do our teachers proud, I believe, if we buck up, we confirm can pass.
No matter how hard the paper is, We, 6hibiscus, is gonna PASS!
P-A-S-S :D
So, studystudystudy!
30 days too PSLE ! Not 300 kay!

- Signing Off ;
Your Classmate. :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hello All !
This holiday must study very very hard ley !
don't be lazy.Everyday play comp , watch tv & etcetc . Remember what the teachers & peers said to us . Don't absent on PSLE date !
or they will use your prelim marks . We got only a 30 days left to revise for our maths . And also the other subjects . Better stay focus on what subject you're weak at . I will only put my nickname . Bye !

withlove ,
Froggy .

Friday, September 4, 2009

Well hi, dearest classmates/readers. Sorry for neglecting our classblog here, i know it's rotting already and i'm here to revive it. I've heard tons of complaints for hibiscus-ians to update, but none did. Yeah, that's why i'm here, partly because none of a hibiscus-ians has updated and my duty to update as a hibiscus-ians. All right, congrats to afiq for getting first in our class. 2nd in class was atiqah, her higher mt pulled her up. And third was asyraf, he's great :]. Hibiscus-ians, work harder and you'll see your achievement! :D
- Signing off; Cheries.

Hello, welcome to our classblog; http://funtimes-6hibiscus.bs.com We're all 12 years old hibiscus-ians here from Woodlands Ring Primary School,the batch of 2009. :) & no worries, we're very earth-friendly:D

1) Cheries.
2) Christal.
3) Husnur.
4) Aisyah (Nur).
5) Atikah (Nur).
6) Harlia.
7) Mariana.
8) Shuhadah.
9) Syafiqah.
10) Syazeerah.
11) Aisyah (Nurul).
12) Muyassarah.
13) Hemlyyana.
14) Raquel.
15) Seri.
16) Amirah.
17) Atiqah (Siti).
18) Humairak.
19) Norhalizah.
20) Michelle (Tan).
21) Michelle (Wong).
22) Aztelee.
23) Diky.
24) Evan.
25) Ibrahim.
26) Juzaili.
27) Kendrick.
28) WenHong.
29) Jiawei.
30) Hazwan.
31) Syawal.
32) Afiq.
33) Asyraf.
34) Luqman.
35) Royhazery.
36) Nico.
37) Hidayat.
38) Shaffiq.
39) JunYu.
40) YewHwee.
41) Gordon.