6 Hibiscus'ian. The batch of 2009.
together we work as one (:

We're still standing in one.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hello 6Hibiscus! :D
well, how're you all in your new school?
I'm fine! :D hehe, alright.
those of you who have my numbers. Do sms/call me if you want to meetup @ WRPS. :)
okok? :D
I've lost some of you all's numbers, due to my phone is under-going service.
& I lost all your contacts. Do sms me to inform your number (:
or Facebook! :D ok, hope to see you all soon.
Byebye. :)


Hello, welcome to our classblog; http://funtimes-6hibiscus.bs.com We're all 12 years old hibiscus-ians here from Woodlands Ring Primary School,the batch of 2009. :) & no worries, we're very earth-friendly:D

1) Cheries.
2) Christal.
3) Husnur.
4) Aisyah (Nur).
5) Atikah (Nur).
6) Harlia.
7) Mariana.
8) Shuhadah.
9) Syafiqah.
10) Syazeerah.
11) Aisyah (Nurul).
12) Muyassarah.
13) Hemlyyana.
14) Raquel.
15) Seri.
16) Amirah.
17) Atiqah (Siti).
18) Humairak.
19) Norhalizah.
20) Michelle (Tan).
21) Michelle (Wong).
22) Aztelee.
23) Diky.
24) Evan.
25) Ibrahim.
26) Juzaili.
27) Kendrick.
28) WenHong.
29) Jiawei.
30) Hazwan.
31) Syawal.
32) Afiq.
33) Asyraf.
34) Luqman.
35) Royhazery.
36) Nico.
37) Hidayat.
38) Shaffiq.
39) JunYu.
40) YewHwee.
41) Gordon.