6 Hibiscus'ian. The batch of 2009.
together we work as one (:

I know you all want updates. :)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hello Hibiscuses !
how's school life going on in all of your new secondary school? (:
fine? (:
alright, we're trying to organise a class-outing, will inform all of your soon. (:
anybody chosen for class-chairman/class vice-chairman @ your school?
well, I'm chosen as a Class-Chairperson in my secondary school.
PS: I'm not being action action arh! I'm just sharing the good news with all of you.
alright, i'll stop here.
byebye. (:

Hello, welcome to our classblog; http://funtimes-6hibiscus.bs.com We're all 12 years old hibiscus-ians here from Woodlands Ring Primary School,the batch of 2009. :) & no worries, we're very earth-friendly:D

1) Cheries.
2) Christal.
3) Husnur.
4) Aisyah (Nur).
5) Atikah (Nur).
6) Harlia.
7) Mariana.
8) Shuhadah.
9) Syafiqah.
10) Syazeerah.
11) Aisyah (Nurul).
12) Muyassarah.
13) Hemlyyana.
14) Raquel.
15) Seri.
16) Amirah.
17) Atiqah (Siti).
18) Humairak.
19) Norhalizah.
20) Michelle (Tan).
21) Michelle (Wong).
22) Aztelee.
23) Diky.
24) Evan.
25) Ibrahim.
26) Juzaili.
27) Kendrick.
28) WenHong.
29) Jiawei.
30) Hazwan.
31) Syawal.
32) Afiq.
33) Asyraf.
34) Luqman.
35) Royhazery.
36) Nico.
37) Hidayat.
38) Shaffiq.
39) JunYu.
40) YewHwee.
41) Gordon.